God Bless Texas: Thoughts on the Texas Abortion Bill

The following is a reading of a real conversation I’ve had on the topic of abortion, edited only for grammar, enjoy!


Quick question for y’all who are against the Texas ban on abortions past a detectable heartbeat - how many hearts does a woman have? 1 or 2? 🤔


This doesn’t make sense Patrick 😂😂


Haha, what do you mean? Sure it does! 😂

The argument always made by the pro-abortion is “My body, my choice.”

But how many hearts do women normally have? One.

So if there are two hearts present, it’s because there are 2 bodies - just because the baby is in the woman’s body, doesn’t mean it IS the woman’s body.

And if it’s a separate and unique life, then we should apply the same protections to it that we do to people outside the womb, with laws prohibiting murder, etc.


Yes, your point would make sense if we were purely just thinking about the baby and not the woman who is pregnant. Yes there are two heart beats but you are going to prioritize the one that is currently living. A lot of the times abortions are situational and other times, it’s that the woman doesn’t want the baby or can’t afford to have a baby.

A common situation is where the woman will die if they were to give birth or cannot. Hence an abortion will happen.

The Texas law is not about protecting children or people, it is purely based on control. For instance if a woman were to be raped, but ended up pregnant, her rapist could report her for abortion and she would suffer the fine of $10000.
And in most cases, this is more damaging than rape.

It is one body two heartbeats, not two bodies.

That law also has a label on women, saying that they are a “host” or “vessel” for a child.

We are all people and have our own rights. In the the same way, women should be given that right.


Ok, so let me go point for point here - The whole argument is whether you think the baby is a separate human life, separate DNA from conception, separate heartbeat, organs, brain, etc. from six weeks - so you’ll have to demonstrate to me that that isn’t the case. That being said, here’s the point-by-point:

1) “Prioritize the one that is living” // Every bit of scientific evidence goes to show that the baby is also living. Just because it exists inside the mother doesn’t mean it isn’t alive?

2) “Mother doesn’t want the baby” // So logically, why can’t she decide this after the baby is born as well? Everyone considers that to be murder, but if the baby is a life inside the mother, it’s murder then as well.

3) “Mother can’t afford the baby” // The logic from #2 applies here as well. Also adoption is always an option. Lots of people are born into poverty, most would prefer to not be murdered because they’re poor. Everyone knows having sex leads to babies, and murdering an innocent baby shouldn’t be a solution for being irresponsible. You may bring up rape here, but I’ll get to that one further down…

4) “Common situation is the woman will die if she has to give birth.” // This just simply isn’t true. Sometime emergency deliveries/c-sections are necessary, where the baby may not survive, but that’s entirely different from intentionally killing the baby before delivering it. Emergency deliveries may be medically necessary, abortions never are. You can read this for more info on it (https://www.dublindeclaration.com/).

5) The Rape/Incest Argument // First of all, let me say that I completely detest both those things, and we should kill/castrate anyone who commits them. But the fact is, if someone has had one of those horrific things done to them, do you really think 6 weeks is not enough time to realize a resulting pregnancy? If you’re having casual sex, 6 weeks may not be enough to notice a late period, etc. but casual sex is not a good enough reason to murder a baby. But if you’ve been raped, you’d understandably be keeping a much closer eye on it, so the Texas bill is not unsympathetic to that situation. I still don’t think inflicting violence on the baby is a good answer to violence on the mother, but obviously I’m a lot more compassionate to that scenario, which is why the 6 week exception is something I still think makes sense.

Not to mention, rape/incest make up less than 1% of all abortions, but people use that to justify the other 99% of abortions done out of convenience.

6) “One body, 2 heartbeats” // Ok, so again I’ll ask my original question 😂

How many hearts does a person have, friend? 😉

How many sets of DNA does a person have? 1 or 2?

How many brains? 1 or 2?

How many lungs? 2 or 4?

I could go on, but you get the point 😁

Two bodies, one inside the other, but no less a unique, independent life.


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